Friday, March 12, 2010

The Best Interview Answers

I work in Opus (a Software company) and being a Senior!!! (it means i have spent some time in this company) i have to take technical-cum-personal interviews of people and then select them for the project/application. Amidst the interview I get to hear so many Funny, absurd answers that sometimes I feel whatever I know is not correct and completely incomplete!!! Let me tell you ...Taking a technical/personal interview... seems easy .. but is really a very tough job.. I have tried to collate some of the funny (read majestic) answers from some candidates in this blog. Enjoy!!!

Me: Can i have a brief introduction about you and your career?
Candidate : Hmmm. Sure(nervously) Yes, why not. (confidently) I will give you the introduction, My Name is ASDASDSA what else do you want to know?.
Didnt i ask that already!!
Another Candidate (Lady): Yes sure. My name is . I am married and My husband is in the construction business.
Maam, You misunderstood, I am married too...

Another Candidate: Yes, Myself #$#adsdd, I did my SSC in 1998 and passed with 75%. Then I started and completed my HSC in 1998 and completed it in 2000. I was not feeling well then so i got 68%. Then I completed my Graduation in 2003 and joined the ABC college for MCA. I completed......
Man you are a scholar.. I m sure... but when will you stop!!!!

Me: What is 70*(^98a ?
Candidate: Well this ... As far as i know...Ummm .. Let me think... Umm ... I don't know.
atleast you thought..good keep it up
Another Candidate: Wait I know this... i read this yesterday only.... Ummm.....
then give me the God damn answer!!!

Me: (After writing down a piece of code. .This is a .NET Interview) Will this code compile?
Candidate: This code will run in C++ and I am sure abt it.
Me: Ok. will it run in .NET
Candidate: That is a good question. Actually I am not very sure but I think it should not. Ummm but it can run in .NET also, there should not be any problem.. I like your style of asking questions.!!!!!
Thank you for the compliment but that wont help you here :)

Me : (After I asked a question and the person gives me an answer) Are you sure?
Candidate : Yes I am sure.. 100% sure.. I tried this and it gave me an error. Umm ..But actually that was a little different. Umm.. I m not very sure on this.. But I feel this will not give an error.
Are you sure or not ..I still do not understand!!!

Me: So why are you looking out for a change?
Candidate: See.. Actually whenever I get married I leave my house and after I leave my job.
WHATTTTTTTTTTT!!!!Me: Sorry..Do you mean that after you got married you left your job?
Candidate : Yes. same same .
Ohh I understand now..thank God... Tricky English

Me: So why are you looking out for a change?
Candidate: Actually in my company all the teams have only 5 people. I want to work in a big team.
That was absolutely out of this world!!!

Another Candidate: My current company is not very good
Me: why?
Candidate: Actually I am the only one on the project and there is no future to this project so I am looking for a change.
What is not good.. the company or the project.. cmon man!!!!..

Me: So tell me about your family background?
Candidate: Sure. I have a father, one mother and two sisters. My father is retired, my mother is a homemaker, My younger sister is studying and I am working in company from last two years.
Me: So you have only one sister?
Candidate: No, Me and my sister. Two.
My Math is bad ... very bad.. I quit.

Me: What are your hobbies?
Candidate : Well I like to read books,surf the net and travel.
Me: What kind of books do you like to read?
Candidate : I like to read every type of book.
Me: Any recent book that you have read?
Candidate: I don't remember the name of the book but it was nice.
Hahahaha .. kuch bhi .. chuna laga raha hai mujhe bacchu!!

Me: (After reading in the resume "I like to make friends and I make friends very easily"). So you can make friends easily?
Candidate: Haha hahahahah
Me: ?? Sorry?
Candidate: Yes I make friends very easily. Whenever I see somebody alone, I go talk to him and he becomes my friend.
Me: Thats great!! you must have many girlfriends? hahahahahaha
Candidate : hahaahahahahh .. not actually, I only like to make friends with boys.
No Comments 377

Me: Ok. What is the difference between 8)*&))()7)0kjlkjfs and 342423?
Candidate: Well according to me there is no difference between 8)*&))()7)0kjlkjfs and 342423. But because you are asking the question I am sure that there has to be a difference between this two. I don't remember exactly.
Just coz i am asking.. thats nice.. who am I ?? .. Bill Gates!!!

Another Candidate: Well the difference is .....
Me: But that's same with both.. what is the difference.?
Candidate: Wait.. let me tell you.. Ummm...
I am listening my friend.. I am listening

Me: Tell me, what is sdffd?
Candidate: I have never done this before in my career but i will surely take this up as an exercise.
Me: Ok. What about sdfdwer34?
Candidate: Umm.. Actually I will ... also have to take this up as an exercise.
Join the Gym buddy!!!
Me: Hi . Good Afternoon. My Name is Faiyaz. Were you able to find this place easily?
Candidate: Well I did not know the name of your company before, but i asked your HR and she told me.
Me: Ok but did you face any problems reaching here?
Candidate: No, I stay nearby. About 2 km from here.
You are adding Insult to Injury!!!

Me: Tell me the differences between dasd and dasdsa?
Candidate: Actually I am not feeling well today. Can you please repeat the question.
If that question is making you feel sick .. I am not asking it again!!! never!!

Another Candidate: Now you have really confused me. Can I have some water?
Confused!!! Water!!! .. Now I am confused.. get meee some water pleassssssse

Me: Is there any error in the code given?
Candidate: No Sir, I cannot tell you the error. But the compiler may give an error.
Me: Ok. Lets say that you are the compiler, how will you find the error in this code?
Candidate: Sir, how can i tell you that?.
With your mouth... what other options do you have??!!

After the Interview is over --

Me: I m done with my questions, do you have any questions for me?
Candidate: No. But can you tell me what is the result of this interview?
Me: Well I am not allowed to tell you that, My HR will tell you.
Candidate: But Sir, Please tell me no!!. I want to know from you. Please Please tell me.
I cannot my friend.. I just cannot.

Another Candidate: Actually Sir, mala mahitey mazha interview changla nahi zhala..pun.. can you give me one chance.. Me lagech shiku shakto. Please sir bagha na.
English mein interview aur Marathi mein vinanti!! wah re..

Another Candidate: I am sure that I am not selected but please tell me the result of this interview.
If you are sure... I am sure too..

Another Candidate: I like the way you ask the questions. I have attended a lot of interviews but I have never heard questions like these. Thank You very much for increasing my knowledge. What is your good name Sir?
My name has not changed in the course of the interview. Its still Faiyaz!!!

Another Candidate: Should I wait here for another round or at the reception?. The HR told me that there are two technical rounds.
Confidence Personified.. the HR didn't tell you? have to clear the first round before the second round

Another Candidate : What was the answer to the question about dkjfkg?
Who is interviewer me or you??? (Nothing to do with Ego)

Another Candidate: Umm.. You ask very tricky questions!!.
I get my salary for doing so.....

Another Candidate: You confused me in all questions. But i will study next time. Thank You.
You better study my man...

Another Candidate: Please tell where and what can I improve?
We at Opus bagged a huge deal from SBI (State Bank of India) the biggest bank in India. Read on...
Adios Amigos


  1. Amazing interviews sir.. like it.. especially the Complier one :)

    ask some time.. if you are a print statement.. how will you print a scanf command
